Welcome to one of the websites of the Alpine Meadows Weavers and Spinners. We are a group of people who enjoy the fiber arts, mainly weaving, spinning, and felting. We meet monthly, and love to talk to each other about our projects. Sometimes we demonstrate to the public or at schools. On occasion we have our own classes and workshops. Our purpose is to encourage the craft and art of working with fiber. Do you have a particular fiber problem? We might be able to help.
We are located in central Washington state, and have members in Cashmere, Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Soap Lake, Ephrata, Moses Lake, Chelan, and other towns in the area.
To join the guild go to Alpine Meadows Spinners and Weavers website.Or contact:
Debra Whitehead
3997 Mylius Road
Wenatchee, WA 98801